Governing Equations
We make the following assumptions:
- No movement in the liquid.
- No evaporation of the material.
- No change of volume when the material changes phase.
- There is always a mushy zone (no isothermal change of phase).
- One-way coupling from the temperature evolution to the mechanical evolution. We neglect the effect of deformation on the thermal simulation.
- Material properties used in the heat equation can be anisotropic
- Material properties used in the solid mechanics are isotropic
Heat equation
Weak form
The heat equation without phase change is given by:
\[\rho(T) C_p(T) \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} - \nabla \cdot \left(k\nabla T\right) = Q,\]where \(\rho\) is the mass density, \(C_p\) is the specific heat, \(T\), is the temperature, \(k\) is the thermal conductivity, and \(Q\) is the volumetric heat source.
When there is a phase change, the heat equation is usually written in term of the enthalpy, \(h\):
\[\frac{\partial h(T)}{\partial t} - \nabla \cdot \left(k\nabla T\right) = Q\]In the absence of phase change, we have:
\[h(T) = \int_{T_0}^T \rho(T) C_p(T) dT.\]Under the assumption of a phase change with a mushy zone, \(C_p\) and \(\rho\) are independent of the temperature, we write:
\[h(T) = \cases{ \rho_s C_{p,s} T & if $T<T_{s}$\cr \rho_s C_{p,s} T_s + \left(\frac{\rho_s C_{p,s}+\rho_l C_{p,l}}{2} + \frac{\rho_s+\rho_l}{2} \frac{\mathcal{L}}{T_l-T_s}\right) (T-T_s) & if $T>T_{s}$ and $T<T_l$ \cr \rho_s C_{p,s} T_s + \frac{C_{p,s}+C_{p,l}}{2} (T_l - T_s) + \frac{\rho_s+\rho_l}{2} \mathcal{L} + \rho_s C_{p,l} (T-T_l) & if $T>T_l$. }\]Since we only care about \(\frac{\partial h{T}}{\partial t}\), we have:
\[\frac{\partial h(T)}{\partial t} = \cases{ \rho_s C_{p,s} \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} & if $T \leq T_{s}$\cr \left(\rho_{\text{eff}} C_{p,\text{eff}} + \rho_{\text{eff}} \frac{\mathcal{L}}{T_l-T_s}\right) \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} & if $T>T_{s}$ and $T<T_l$ \cr \rho_l C_{p,l} \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} & if $T \geq T_{l}$ }\]Note that we have a more complicated setup because we have two solid phase (solid and powder).
So far we haven’t discussed \(k\). \(k\) is simply given by:
\[k = \cases{ k_s & if $T \leq T_s$ \cr k_s + \frac{k_l - k_s}{T_l - T_s} (T- T_s) & if $T>T_s$ and $T<T_l$ \cr k_l & if $T \geq T_l$ }\]Finally we can write:
if \(T \leq T_s\), we have:
\[\frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{\rho_s C_{p,s}} \left(\nabla \cdot \left(k \nabla T\right) + Q\right)\] -
if \(T_s < T < T_l\), we have:
\[\frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{\left(\rho_{\text{eff}} C_{p,\text{eff}} + \rho_{\text{eff}} \frac{\mathcal{L}}{T_l-T_s}\right)} \left( \nabla \cdot \left(k \nabla T\right) + Q \right)\] -
if \(T \geq T\), we have:
\[\frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{\rho_l C_{p,l}} \left(\nabla \cdot \left(k \nabla T\right) + Q\right)\]
Next, we will focus on the weak form of:
\[\frac{\partial T}{\partial t} = \frac{1}{\rho C_{p}} \left(\nabla \cdot \left(k \nabla T\right) + Q\right).\]We have successively with \(\alpha = \frac{1}{\rho C_{p}}\):
\[\int b_i \frac{\partial T_j b_j}{\partial t} = \int b_i \alpha \left(\nabla \cdot \left(k \nabla T_j b_j\right) + Q\right),\] \[\int b_i b_j \frac{d T_j}{dt} = \int T_j \alpha b_i \nabla \cdot \left(k \nabla b_j\right) + \int \alpha b_i Q,\] \[\left(\int b_i b_j\right) \frac{d T_j}{dt} = - \int T_j \nabla \left(\alpha b_i\right) \cdot \left(k \nabla b_j\right) + \int_{\partial} \alpha T_j b_i \boldsymbol{n}\cdot \left(k \nabla b_j\right) + \int \alpha b_i Q,\] \[\left(\int b_i b_j\right) \frac{d T_j}{dt} = - \int T_j \alpha \nabla b_i \cdot \left(k \nabla b_j\right) + \int_{\partial} \alpha T_j b_i \boldsymbol{n}\cdot \left(k \nabla b_j\right) + \int \alpha b_i Q.\]The last step assumes that \(\alpha\) is independent of the temperature.
Boundary Condition
We are now interested in the boundary term \(\int_{\partial} \alpha T_j b_i \boldsymbol{n}\cdot \left(k \nabla b_j\right)\), in the interest of understanding the physical meaning of this term, we will write it as:
\[\int_{\partial} \alpha b_i \boldsymbol{n}\cdot \left(k \nabla T\right)\]If this term is equal to zero, this means that \(\nabla T=0\). Physically this condition corresponds to a reflective boundary condition. In practice, we are interested in two kind of boundary conditions: radiative loss and convection.
Radiative Loss
The Stefan-Boltzmann law describes the heat flux due to radiation as:
\[-\boldsymbol{n} \cdot \left(k \nabla T\right) = \varepsilon \sigma \left(T^4 -T_{\infty}^4\right),\]with \(\varepsilon\) the emissitivity and \(\sigma\) the Stefan-Boltzmann constant. The value of \(\sigma\) is (from NIST):
\[\sigma = 5.670374419 \times 10^{-8} \frac{W}{m^2 k^4}.\]We can write:
\[\begin{split} \int_{\partial} \alpha b_i \boldsymbol{n} \cdot \left(k\nabla T\right) &= -\int_{\partial} \alpha b_i \varepsilon \sigma \left(T^4 - T_{\infty}^4\right),\\\\\\ &= -\int_{\partial} \alpha b_i \varepsilon \sigma T^4 + \int_{\partial} \alpha b_i \varepsilon T_{\infty}^4 \end{split}\]We can now use this equation to impose the radiative loss. However, this is nonlinear. Thus, we need to use a Newton solver to impose the boundary condition. This is less than ideal. Instead, we will linearize the Stefan-Boltzmann equation:
\[-\boldsymbol{n} \cdot \left(k\nabla T\right) = h_{\text{rad}}\left(T-T_{\infty}\right),\]with
\[h_{\text{rad}} = \varepsilon \sigma\left(T+T_{\infty}\right)\left(T^2 + T_{\infty}^2\right).\]Thus, we have: \(\begin{split} \int_{\partial} \alpha b_i \boldsymbol{n} \cdot \left(k \nabla T\right) &= -\int_{\partial} \alpha b_i h_{\text{rad}} \left(T-T_{\infty}\right),\\\\\\ &=-\int_{\partial} \alpha h_{\text{rad}} \sum_j T_j b_i b_j + \int_{\partial} \alpha h_{\text{rad}} T_{\infty} b_i. \end{split}\)
The convective heat transfer has the same form as the linearized radiative loss:
\[-\boldsymbol{n} \cdot \left(k\nabla T\right) = h_{\text{conv}}\left(T-T_{\infty}\right).\]Thus, we have:
\[\begin{split} \int_{\partial} \alpha b_i \boldsymbol{n} \cdot \left(k \nabla T\right) &= -\int_{\partial} \alpha b_i h_{\text{conv}} \left(T-T_{\infty}\right),\\\\\\ &=-\int_{\partial} \alpha h_{\text{conv}} \sum_j T_j b_i b_j + \int_{\partial} \alpha h_{\text{conv}} T_{\infty} b_i. \end{split}\]Thermomechanical equations
Because of assumption 5, the thermal equation described in the previous section is unchanged. To this equation, we need to add the solid mechanics equations. Using assumption 7 and Einstein summation convention, we get the following1:
- the Cauchy momentum equation:
- the strain-displacement equations:
- the constitutive equations:
\[\beta = (3 \lambda + 2 \mu) \alpha\]where \(\boldsymbol{v}\) is the flow velocity vector, \(\frac{D v_i}{Dt} = \frac{\partial v_i}{\partial t} + v_j \frac{\partial v_i}{\partial x_j}\) is the material derivative, \(\rho\) is the material density, $\boldsymbol$ is the volumetric force, \(\sigma\) is the stress tensor, \(\varepsilon\) is the infinitesimal strain tensor, \(\boldsymbol{u}\) is the displacement vector, \(\alpha\) is the thermal coefficient of linear expansion, \(\lambda\) is Lamé first parameter, \(\mu\) is Lamé second parameter and \(\theta = T - T_0\), \(T\) is the current temperature, and \(T_0\) is a reference temperature.
We implement the radial return algorithm for \(J_2\) theory with a linear combination of isotropic and kinematic hardening described in Chapter 3 of Plasticity Modeling & Computation by Ronaldo I. Borja. The algorithm works as follow:
Compute successively
\[\sigma_{n+1}^{tr} = \sigma_{n} + c^e : \Delta \varepsilon,\] \[p = \frac{1}{3} \text{tr}\left(\sigma_{n+1}^{tr}\right),\] \[s_{n+1}^{tr} = \sigma_{n+1}^{tr}-p \boldsymbol{1},\] \[\xi_{n+1}^{tr} = s_{n+1}^{tr} - \gamma_{n}\]where the subscript \(n\) indicates the \(n\) time step, the superscript \(tr\) indicates trial, \(c^e\) is the tensor of elastic moduli, \(\Delta \varepsilon\) is the incremental strain, \(p\) is the mean normal stress, \(s\) is the deviatoric stress tensord, and \(\gamma_{n}\) is the back stress tensor.
Compute \(\chi = ||\xi_{n+1}^{tr}||\)
- If \(\chi \leq \kappa_{n}\), set \(\sigma_{n+1} = \sigma_{n+1}^{tr}\).
- If \(\chi > \kappa_{n}\), set
where \(\kappa_{n}\) is plastic internal variable, \(H\) is generalized plastic modulus, and \(a\) is coefficient between 0 (no isotropic hardening) and 1 (no kinematic hardening).
The thermoelastoplastic model implemented is the union of the thermoelastic model and the elastoplastic model.
A detailed discussion on thermoelasticity is available in Chapter 14 of Classical and Computational Solid Mechanics by Y.C. Fung & Pin Tong. ↩