
This example shows thermal simulation of material deposition on a plate.

The example is composed of the following files:

It can be run using ./adamantine -i

Below are snapshots of the temperature at different times:

Temperature at t = 0s
Temperature at t = 6e-4s
Temperature at t = 12e-4s
Temperature at t = 18e-4s
Temperature at t = 24e-4s
Temperature at t = 20e-4s

Demo316 AMR

This example is similar to the previous one but it uses adaptive mesh refinement (AMR).

The example is composed of the following files:

It can be run using ./adamantine -i

The main difference with Demo316 concerns the refinement input:

  n_refinements 1                 ; Number of time the cells on the paths of the beams are refined.
  time_steps_between_refinement 5 ; Number of time steps after which the refinement process is
                                  ; performed.
  coarsen_after_beam true         ; The cells are coarsen once the beam has passed

The other differences with Demo316 are:

  • the domain size is reduced and the number of cells is reduced accordingly
  • the time step is increased from 6e-5 s to 1e-4 s
  • the order of the finite element is decrease from 3 to 2

Demo316 anisotropic

This is similar to Demo316 but the thermal conductivity of the material is anisotropic. The conductivity in the deposition direction is increased.

This example is composed of the following files:

It can be run using ./adamantine -i

The differences with Demo316 are:

  • the domain is reduced
  • the boundary conditions are changed from convective and radiative to adiabatic
  • the thermal conductivity in the deposition direction, x, is increased for the solid, liquid, and powder phases. This is not physical but it is done to test the anisotropic capabilities of adamantine
  • the duration of the simulation is reduced from 4e-3 s to 1e-4 s
  • the time step is reduced from 6e-5 s to 1e-5 s
  • the order of the finite element is decrease from 3 to 2